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Security by Design Program

Enabling businesses to become Secure by Design and Secure by Default. 


Our focus is to help businesses establish Security by Design

Security by Design is the process of embedding cybersecurity risk management across project delivery and release frameworks


Security by Design isn’t just about compliance; it’s about adopting the same principles around quality assurance and adapting them to cybersecurity


Modern businesses must incorporate a 'Security by Design' approach to ensure cybersecurity measures are integrated into project delivery.

Too much reliance on generic cybersecurity standards

The past few years have seen a huge expansion of the number of security standards and compliance requirements that need to be assessed.


Many cybersecurity professionals rely on a compliance driven ‘tick box’ approach to determining what controls are required with little consideration to that actual risks and threats.


The industry is filled with impractical solutions and ‘by this product’ approaches to addressing cybersecurity.

Not addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities and defects early in a project can be costly. These costs can take various forms, from direct financial expenses to less tangible but significant impacts on business operations and brand reputation.


Without a practical methodology to how and when those controls are required, many organisations find themselves lost in where to start or finding ways to manage them ongoing.

Become Secure by Design not Secure after Disaster

At Patterned Security, we build practical solutions to enable organisations to adopt ‘Security by Design’.

Security-by-Design ensures potential cybersecurity risks are considered in the early phases of project planning and design, through to implementation, testing and release.


This approach significantly minimises introducing security defects or flaws in projects to increase your cyber resilience.


What we provide to you

  • Our security architects provide accelerated adoption. We are focus on how cybersecurity supports project delivery, not just as risk mitigation.

  • We provide the roadmap and maturity model in moving towards Security by Design.

  • Enable your internal teams with templates and defined methodology including use of Security Patterns..

  • Cybersecurity is built into the early definition of project security requirements including budgeting and forecasted effort.

We help business build Security by Design

Building a robust cybersecurity practice that goes beyond mere checklists can be complex. It requires deep expertise and a nuanced understanding of your company's unique needs.


That's where our accelerator program comes into play.


Unlike typical programs offering just a set of templates, our accelerator cultivates maturity and capability within your business. It empowers your organisation to embrace and implement Security by Design.

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